Our Organic Principles
Organic standards promote and enhance biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil fertility, and restore, maintain, and enhance ecological harmony. The legacy of organic will be the catalyzation of healthy, sustainable, and humane production systems. CCOF believes that organic standards should continually evolve to address a broadening range of issues, including:
Animal Welfare
CCOF believes that organic livestock standards should require humane and ethical treatment of animals during all stages of production, including transport and slaughter.
Carbon Sequestration
CCOF believes that organic practices offer verifiable opportunities for sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) and should be encouraged as an effective strategy for reducing dangerous levels of emissions.
Ecosystem Protection
CCOF believes that organic standards should encourage stewardship of land and waterways, as well as protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
CCOF believes that genetic modification is fundamentally incompatible with organic production. The organic market and its producers must be protected from GMO contamination. GMO products must be labeled.
Processing Standards
CCOF believes that organic standards should require processors to minimize environmental impacts by conserving water and energy; preventing contamination of water, air and soil; and promoting the reduction, reuse, and recycling of packaging.
Social Justice
CCOF believes that the organic market should provide adequate and equitable compensation and treatment to farmers, ranchers, laborers, and other participants in organic production and processing. All individuals should be treated with dignity and respect.